Amplify Your Life With Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy Services

With help you can live your life fully

We are all limitless human potential and every possible version of who you want to be is already within you.  It is simply a question of where you place your focus and what you give attention to.  

Each thought that you have is a choice point, recognising this can be the first step to transforming your life.

Psychotherapist Tahn Miller

Tahn Miller is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapy, Strategic Psychotherapy and NLP Master Practitioner. 

Working with her clients, Tahn utilises the benefits of hypnosis and neuro linguistic techniques to achieve life changing outcomes  – from limiting beliefs to patterns of behaviour that may be causing tremendous blockages in their lives.

Tahn helps her clients realise they are not their thoughts, beliefs or feelings, that they don’t need to stay stuck – they have the capacity to change anything in their lives that is preventing them from living their greatest life.

How I work

Enduring and ongoing change requires some work – strategic psychotherapy is results focused and will typically achieve outcomes from the first session.  The initial step is to book a brief consultation where we can learn more about each other to determine if Amplify Therapies can help to move you through what is keeping you stuck. 


Book your consultation here:

For more about Tahn’s methods to produce transformational change you can learn more here:


People sometimes turn to a substance or behaviour to help them cope with the stress or experience of life. We help treat the addiction for long term results by managing triggers and cravings.

If anxiety has become so overwhelming that it impacts the quality of your life, it’s time to work together to find a way to harness the power of your thoughts to transform your life.

We can work with you if you have had a PTSD diagnosis after experiencing a traumatic event. The first step is to book a call with us so we can get started.

Anger is not an outburst that is triggered spontaneously.  It is a perpetual simmering constrained that is largely due to a rule driven, black or white style of thinking.   

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks or actions that need to be completed.

What to Expect

Maybe you’re not satisfied with how much you’re drinking, or other dependencies have become problematic, maybe you’re feeling like your weight or possibly a phobia is holding you back from living your life fully – and you’ve had enough. 

You want to take back control of your psychological, emotional and physical health.

You may be used to therapy or perhaps you’re considering seeking help for the first time, whatever your experience at Amplify Therapies I won’t be asking why you think you’re stuck and I won’t be expecting you to talk about your feelings.  This therapy jumps straight into HOW you are doing what you are doing.  I use the power of strategic psychotherapy to identify the process you use to run your problem, then together we identify your successful patterns and through the remarkable power of hypnosis bring about true change at that unconscious level.

Therapy Bookings

A single session may prove sufficient to move you through your current challenge or we may need to structure a therapeutic plan with a fee package.

Initial Phone


  • Price: N/A
  • The initial phone consultation will be 20 minutes.

Initial Intake


  • The initial Intake Session will be 90 minutes.
  • Learning material if required.

Follow up


  • The Follow-up Session will be 60 minutes.
  • Learning material if required.



  • The Single Session will be 60 minutes.
  • Learning material if required.


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