Understanding Depression? Exploring the Power of Your Mind

Depression is considered a complex and often overwhelming condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Finding a way out for sufferers can seem hopeless – but what if there was hope, what if there was relief from the pattern and it could be found in exploring the quantum field?

As we continue to discover the connection between neural disturbances such as Autism, ADD, ADHD, anxiety, depression and our gut health, the study of neuroscience is also revealing the connection between thought and our physiology – how we think has a direct impact on the health of our bodies on a cellular level. Research in epigenetics’ is teaching us how autosuggestion alone can turn gene’s on to heal the body from disease and how the consistent practice of meditation can sustain altered brainwave activity and subsequently change the brain.

Understanding Depression: An Automated Response

As a clinical hypnotherapist and neuro linguistic practitioner I have seen first hand how creating a new neural pathway in our brain changes our automatic responses.  In my quest to understand how our brains wire and rewire I have found myself drawn repeatedly back to the work of celebrated neuroscientists from around the world.

What we know is that when you have a thought it releases chemicals into the brain, those chemicals then effect our physiology which we identify as a feeling.  Positively charged thoughts such as joy, happiness, love and gratitude release certain types of chemicals, negatively charged thoughts such as fear, anger, hatred release a different set of chemicals. Think enough repeated thoughts, you will literally condition your body to learn to depend on those chemicals. 

It is accepted that we have roughly 60,000 thoughts a day and 90% of those thoughts are repeated from one day to the next.  Without even realizing it, many of us go about our day replaying the same internal dialogue over and over again. It’s so automatic we’re unaware of the software program we have taken, in some cases, decades to develop and then depend upon to navigate our daily lives.

So if you have a pattern of negative thinking and those thoughts release a chemistry of feelings is it possible to recognize that this conditioning has caused you to become the condition? If we can agree that the body is now dictating the mind to continue to sustain this state of being, is there hope in believing releasing a different set of chemicals can bring relief?

Quantum physics suggests so.

Clinical Hypnotherapy: Accessing the Subconscious

Clinical Hypnotherapy, a cornerstone of Amplify Therapies, delves into the subconscious mind to unearth and reprogram deeply ingrained thought patterns.  By slowing your brain frequency down from a BETA brainwave which is the analytical mind, the thinking brain – and moving into DELTA or THETA waves we can create new neural pathways. 

To replace old patterns requires unlearning and relearning new patterns – techniques such as trance help to access these areas of the brain and focus the mind. By bypassing conscious resistance such as closing the eyes which blocks out 30% of distraction and dropping into a slower frequency clients can rewire their brain for change.

Of course this will require repetition but if you are already repeating a pattern unconsciously which isn’t serving you – is it not worth the effort to intentionally repeat a new pattern of thinking until those positive thoughts become your new automatic, unconscious pattern?  Surely that would be worth the effort

Advanced NLP Techniques: Rewiring Thought Patterns

Utilizing Neuro-Linguistic Programming to disrupt a negative thought pattern, a client can experience an immediate shift, which helps a sufferer to reframe their fixed belief that they cannot change. Using NLP to disrupt a thought which becomes a belief, we are pulling apart that neural pattern that has hard wired together over time.

If you are told you have an illness and innocently conditioned your mind by unconsciously repeating this over and over, believing you can break out of the cycle is one of the greatest challenges. This short term disruption can be enough to move a client toward change.

Science-Based Quantum Knowledge: Shaping Your Reality

I think for all of us, to have an understanding of the science of how our body interacts with our brain is profoundly important not just for depression but in all areas of life.  Recognizing this profound influence of thought on one’s reality and aligning intentional thinking with a focused goal can produce extraordinary outcomes in our lives.

Mindfulness and the Future

While medication can be a crucial component of treatment for some individuals, it’s important to recognize where you are on that continuum and seek the advice of your specialist. Embracing daily mindful practices such as meditation has been a consistent message in all of the research I have conducted and incorporating techniques and practices as outlined here may support a current treatment plan.

There are some incredible apps available to start you on your mindfulness road, you just need to start – and just like learning to walk for the first time, consistent effort will realize the greatest reward – check out these links: Headspace, Aura, InsightTimer

Amplify Therapies

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