The science of being happy, believe it or not, can be found in quantum physics. Neuroscience has studied the role of the quantum field, revolutionizing our understanding of the universe and our connection with it. Essentially the building blocks of all matter (anything solid), including ourselves, are atoms (teeny tiny particles that you can’t see with the naked eye but pack a nuclear punch). But what’s truly astounding is that atoms are, at their essence, almost entirely energy.
We are energy:
For the science nerds, each atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons. While the nucleus contains protons and neutrons, which give an atom its mass, the electrons are in a state of constant motion, creating an electromagnetic field.
For the rest of us mere mortals, we, as human beings, are essentially vibrating energy fields.
Shaping Our Reality: influencing our vibrational frequency
Now, let’s take this profound knowledge and apply it to our lives. If we are beings of energy, then it follows that we have the power to influence the energy around us and, consequently, our reality. This idea is rooted in the concept that by manipulating our frequency, we can draw into our experience whatever we bring our focus to.
Think “manifestation”, or one of my favourites “think well, be well”. The basis of this magical thinking is that we have influence over our experience and by focusing our attention on a desire – by dropping into the frequency or as we now know, the vibrational energy, we can shape any reality we imagine.
So what does being happy have to do with the quantum physics and our lives? Well, if we agree that thoughts are a frequency and emotions are energy in motion, when you choose happiness, you emit a high-frequency vibration. Like a magnet, like attracts like, which means that if you vibrate at a happy frequency, you’ll naturally draw experiences and circumstances that match that frequency into your life.
By contrast, negative emotions like anger or sadness correspond to lower frequencies. So having bad thoughts toward others truly is like drinking poison and hoping to do them harm.
The Science of Being Happy
Dr. Joe Dispenza, a neuroscientist and author, has extensively studied how our thoughts and emotions impact our physical health.
“The mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what is imagined.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza
In his groundbreaking work, Dr. Joe Dispenza’s research has unveiled a fascinating truth: our minds don’t distinguish between reality and imagination. This insight has profound implications for our pursuit of happiness and success. It means that we have the power to shape our reality by harnessing the creative potential of our minds.
However, happiness doesn’t just create levity in our lives. Dr Dispenza has found that individuals who focus on positive emotions like happiness and gratitude, can trigger profound physiological changes in their bodies. This has lead to remarkable healing outcomes from devastating illness.
Being Happy: The Key to Elevated Frequencies
So, why is being happy such an important choice to make? Because it literally sets the stage for you to draw into your life what you dream of. Instead of waiting for external circumstances to make you happy, consider setting your frequency to happiness first. Choose each day to be happy and see what you draw into your experience, you may just surprise yourself.
“A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses” – James Allen